Kööginurk: Virsiku-sinihallitusjuustu-singi taskud meestepäevaks // Muffins with peach, blue cheese and ham filling for Men's Day
Sellised maitsvad ja lihtsad taskud valmistasin ma oma pere meestele meestepäevaks. Tegelikult tegin neid lausa kahel järjestikusel õhtul, kuna vend jäi esimesest laarist pirukatest ilma. Retsepti leidsin neti avarustest, kuid modifitseerisin seda oma maitse ja äranägemise järgi. Küüslauk meeldib meie pere meestele väga (ja mulle samuti), seega lisasin "taskutesse" kohustuslikus korras ka selle komponendi. Originaalretsepti leiate allpool olevalt lingilt.
175 g konservvirsikuid
50 g sinihallitusjuustu
500 g pärmi-lehttainast
1 muna
100 g riivjuustu
150 g sinki
1 küüslauguküüs
100 ml kohvikoort 10%
Kuumuta pliidil koor, lisa sinihallitus- ja riivjuust ning lase sulada. Tõsta pott pliidilt ja lase pisut jahtuda.
Lisage segule muna, seejärel sega hulka singi kuubikud ning tükeldatud konservvirsiku tükid. Tükelda küüslauguküüs hästi peenelt ja lisa ka see segule. Sega korralikult läbi.
Rulli lehttainas lahti ja lõika 10x10 suurused ruudud. Aseta ruudud muffinivormidesse. Täida vormid seguga. Suru taigna neli nurka otsapidi keskele kokku. Küpseta eelnevalt kuumutatud ahjus 200 kraadi juures umb 30 minutit, kuni tainas on ilusti pruunistunud.
Allikas: tere.eu lehekülg
I made those muffins or "pockets", as I call them, for Men's Day. Actually, had to make them twice, two nights in a row, 'cause my brother missed the first time. Found the recipe from the Internet but I made some modifications to it, according to my own taste. Garlic was a big must, as all the men in my family are very fond of it (and me too). You can find the original recipe in the link below.
175 g canned peaches
50 g blue cheese
500 g puff pastry
1 egg
100 g grated cheese
150 g ham
1 clove of garlic
100 ml cream 10%
Heat the cream on the stove, add blue cheese and grated cheese and let them melt. Let the mixture to cool down a bit.
When the mixture is cooled, add the egg, chopped ham, chopped peaches and finely chopped garlic. Mix properly through.
Roll the pastry and cut 10x10 sized squares from it. Place the squares into the holes of the muffin tin. Then fill the squares with the mixture. Fold the 4 corners of the pastry together in the middle. Cook in the preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius) for about 30 minutes, until the muffins are nice and golden.
Recipe source: tere.eu site
175 g konservvirsikuid
50 g sinihallitusjuustu
500 g pärmi-lehttainast
1 muna
100 g riivjuustu
150 g sinki
1 küüslauguküüs
100 ml kohvikoort 10%
Kuumuta pliidil koor, lisa sinihallitus- ja riivjuust ning lase sulada. Tõsta pott pliidilt ja lase pisut jahtuda.
Lisage segule muna, seejärel sega hulka singi kuubikud ning tükeldatud konservvirsiku tükid. Tükelda küüslauguküüs hästi peenelt ja lisa ka see segule. Sega korralikult läbi.
Rulli lehttainas lahti ja lõika 10x10 suurused ruudud. Aseta ruudud muffinivormidesse. Täida vormid seguga. Suru taigna neli nurka otsapidi keskele kokku. Küpseta eelnevalt kuumutatud ahjus 200 kraadi juures umb 30 minutit, kuni tainas on ilusti pruunistunud.
Allikas: tere.eu lehekülg
I made those muffins or "pockets", as I call them, for Men's Day. Actually, had to make them twice, two nights in a row, 'cause my brother missed the first time. Found the recipe from the Internet but I made some modifications to it, according to my own taste. Garlic was a big must, as all the men in my family are very fond of it (and me too). You can find the original recipe in the link below.
175 g canned peaches
50 g blue cheese
500 g puff pastry
1 egg
100 g grated cheese
150 g ham
1 clove of garlic
100 ml cream 10%
Heat the cream on the stove, add blue cheese and grated cheese and let them melt. Let the mixture to cool down a bit.
When the mixture is cooled, add the egg, chopped ham, chopped peaches and finely chopped garlic. Mix properly through.
Roll the pastry and cut 10x10 sized squares from it. Place the squares into the holes of the muffin tin. Then fill the squares with the mixture. Fold the 4 corners of the pastry together in the middle. Cook in the preheated oven (200 degrees Celsius) for about 30 minutes, until the muffins are nice and golden.
Recipe source: tere.eu site
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