Kööginurk: Toorjuustukattega brownie // Brownie with a cream cheese topping
Elu on tõmmanud viimasel ajal tempo üles ja kahe töökoha kõrvalt ei olegi nii kerge blogimiseks aega leida. Kuid üritan nüüd tubli olla ja mõned asjad tagant järele postitada.
Kook, mis pärineb veel minu sünnipäevalaualt (jah, ma tean, et mu sünnipäev oli juba peaaegu 2 kuud tagasi). Esimene katsetus Hanna Miles'i kokaraamatust "Toorjuustukoogid", mille sain kingituseks oma eelmiseks sünnipäevaks - väga sobilik, kas pole? Kook tuli küllaltki magus samas mõnusalt mahlane ja pähkline, seega tulemusega jäin täitsa rahule. Näm, näm...
Brownie jaoks:
100 g võid
150 g tumedat šokolaadi
100 g tuhksuhkrut
100 g peenikest pruuni suhkrut
2 muna
1 tl vanilliekstrakti
80 g sõelutud nisujahu
50 g hakitud pekanipähkleid
Toorjuustukatte jaoks:
150 g toorjuustu
160 ml hapukoort
50 g tuhksuhkrut
1 tl vanillipastat
2 muna
30 g sõelutud nisujahu
125 g hakitud tumedat šokolaadi
rasvainega määritud ja küpsetuspaberiga vooderdatud 23 cm läbimõõduga lahtikäiv koogivorm
Kuumuta ahi 180 kraadini (gaasiahju aste 4).
Brownie tegemiseks sulata või ja šokolaad veevannis tasasel tulel. Vett peab olema nii vähe, et see ei puutuks vastu väiksema kausi põhja. Sega, kuni šokolaad on sulanud, siis lase segul jahtuda.
Vahusta muna suhkru ja vanilliga, kuni segu on mahult kahekordistunud ning hästi õhuline ja siidjas. Kalla kogu aeg vahustamist jätkates aegamisi sisse jahtunud šokolaadisegu. Sega käsitsi sisse jahu ja pähklid, seejärel kalla tainas vormi.
Toorjuustukatte jaoks mikserda toorjuust, hapukoor, suhkur, vanill, munad ja jahu kreemjaks, siis sega sisse hakitud šokolaad. Tõsta lusikaga koogipõhjale toorjuustutupsud, jättes nende vahele vahed. Sega šokolaadikoogitainas ja toorjuustu kate noaotsaga kokku, nii et tekiksid kenad keerismustrid (minul see keerismuster küll väga ei õnnestunud, kuid veidi kirju jäi).
Küpseta 40-45 minutit, kuni šokolaadikoogile on tekkinud krõbe koorik ja toorjuustutäidis on tardunud. Lase enne serveerimist jahtuda.
Allikas: Hannah Miles "Toorjuustukoogid"
Life has been really busy lately. It isn't the easiest task, finding the time to blog when having two jobs. Nevertheless, I'm trying my best to put up some of the posts that have waited in my draft box for some time now.
This cake is also from my birthday table (yes, I am aware that my birthday was almost two months ago). This is the first recipe from the Hannah Miles' cookbook "Cheesecake", that I have tried out. I got this book as a gift for my last birthday. So it was very appropriate to choose my this years' birthday cake from this particular cookbook, don't you think? The cake was quite sweet, but at the same time very moist and nutty, so I was very pleased with the outcome. Nom, nom...
For the brownie:
100 g butter
150 g dark chocolate
100 g castor sugar
100 g fine brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
80 g sifted flour
50 g chopped walnuts (or other kind of nuts)
For the cream cheese topping:
150 g cream cheese
160 ml sour cream
50 g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla paste (I used 1 tsp of vanilla extract instead)
2 eggs
30 g sifted flour
125 g chopped dark chocolate
23 cm folding cake tin creased and lined with baking paper
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
To prepare the brownie melt the butter and chocolate over the steaming bowl of hot water on a low temperature. Make sure that the bottom of the chocolate bowl isn't in contact with the boiling water. Stir until the chocolate has melted and then let it cool down. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract with an electric mixer until the mixture has doubled its size and is very light and silky. Pour the cooled chocolate into the egg mixture, stirring constantly at the same time. Gently mix in the flour and nuts then pour the patter into the cake tin.
For the cream cheese topping mix (with a mixer) together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla, eggs and flour. Mix until the consistency is creamy then add chopped chocolate. Place spoonfuls of cream cheese mixture onto the brownie mixture, leaving spaces between spoonfuls. Then take a knife and mix the two layers together, forming swirly patterns.
Bake about 40-45 minutes, until the chocolate part is crispy and the cream cheese filling has set. Let it cool down before serving.
Recipe source: "Cheesecake" by Hannah Miles
Kook, mis pärineb veel minu sünnipäevalaualt (jah, ma tean, et mu sünnipäev oli juba peaaegu 2 kuud tagasi). Esimene katsetus Hanna Miles'i kokaraamatust "Toorjuustukoogid", mille sain kingituseks oma eelmiseks sünnipäevaks - väga sobilik, kas pole? Kook tuli küllaltki magus samas mõnusalt mahlane ja pähkline, seega tulemusega jäin täitsa rahule. Näm, näm...
Brownie jaoks:
100 g võid
150 g tumedat šokolaadi
100 g tuhksuhkrut
100 g peenikest pruuni suhkrut
2 muna
1 tl vanilliekstrakti
80 g sõelutud nisujahu
50 g hakitud pekanipähkleid
Toorjuustukatte jaoks:
150 g toorjuustu
160 ml hapukoort
50 g tuhksuhkrut
1 tl vanillipastat
2 muna
30 g sõelutud nisujahu
125 g hakitud tumedat šokolaadi
rasvainega määritud ja küpsetuspaberiga vooderdatud 23 cm läbimõõduga lahtikäiv koogivorm
Kuumuta ahi 180 kraadini (gaasiahju aste 4).
Brownie tegemiseks sulata või ja šokolaad veevannis tasasel tulel. Vett peab olema nii vähe, et see ei puutuks vastu väiksema kausi põhja. Sega, kuni šokolaad on sulanud, siis lase segul jahtuda.
Vahusta muna suhkru ja vanilliga, kuni segu on mahult kahekordistunud ning hästi õhuline ja siidjas. Kalla kogu aeg vahustamist jätkates aegamisi sisse jahtunud šokolaadisegu. Sega käsitsi sisse jahu ja pähklid, seejärel kalla tainas vormi.
Toorjuustukatte jaoks mikserda toorjuust, hapukoor, suhkur, vanill, munad ja jahu kreemjaks, siis sega sisse hakitud šokolaad. Tõsta lusikaga koogipõhjale toorjuustutupsud, jättes nende vahele vahed. Sega šokolaadikoogitainas ja toorjuustu kate noaotsaga kokku, nii et tekiksid kenad keerismustrid (minul see keerismuster küll väga ei õnnestunud, kuid veidi kirju jäi).
Küpseta 40-45 minutit, kuni šokolaadikoogile on tekkinud krõbe koorik ja toorjuustutäidis on tardunud. Lase enne serveerimist jahtuda.
Allikas: Hannah Miles "Toorjuustukoogid"
Life has been really busy lately. It isn't the easiest task, finding the time to blog when having two jobs. Nevertheless, I'm trying my best to put up some of the posts that have waited in my draft box for some time now.
This cake is also from my birthday table (yes, I am aware that my birthday was almost two months ago). This is the first recipe from the Hannah Miles' cookbook "Cheesecake", that I have tried out. I got this book as a gift for my last birthday. So it was very appropriate to choose my this years' birthday cake from this particular cookbook, don't you think? The cake was quite sweet, but at the same time very moist and nutty, so I was very pleased with the outcome. Nom, nom...
For the brownie:
100 g butter
150 g dark chocolate
100 g castor sugar
100 g fine brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
80 g sifted flour
50 g chopped walnuts (or other kind of nuts)
For the cream cheese topping:
150 g cream cheese
160 ml sour cream
50 g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla paste (I used 1 tsp of vanilla extract instead)
2 eggs
30 g sifted flour
125 g chopped dark chocolate
23 cm folding cake tin creased and lined with baking paper
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
To prepare the brownie melt the butter and chocolate over the steaming bowl of hot water on a low temperature. Make sure that the bottom of the chocolate bowl isn't in contact with the boiling water. Stir until the chocolate has melted and then let it cool down. Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla extract with an electric mixer until the mixture has doubled its size and is very light and silky. Pour the cooled chocolate into the egg mixture, stirring constantly at the same time. Gently mix in the flour and nuts then pour the patter into the cake tin.
For the cream cheese topping mix (with a mixer) together cream cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla, eggs and flour. Mix until the consistency is creamy then add chopped chocolate. Place spoonfuls of cream cheese mixture onto the brownie mixture, leaving spaces between spoonfuls. Then take a knife and mix the two layers together, forming swirly patterns.
Bake about 40-45 minutes, until the chocolate part is crispy and the cream cheese filling has set. Let it cool down before serving.
Recipe source: "Cheesecake" by Hannah Miles
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