Kööginurk: Singi-ananassi rullid // Ham and pineapple rolls
Midagi tõeliselt maitsvat ja super lihtsat selle aasta sünnipäevalaualt. Sel aastal valmistasin töökaaslastele oma sünnipäeva puhul suupistetele ja keeksile lisaks just neid rulle. Minu jaoks oli see retsept vägagi väärt avastus, mille juhuslikult leidsime emaga vanu retseptide väljalõikeid sorteerides. Olen kindel, et need rullid tulevad juba lähitulevikus taas tegemisele, sest kodused said sel korral neid vaid veidi maitsta. Maitseb hästi nii külmalt kui ahjusoojalt.
500 g lehttainast
1 purk Santa Maria Tex-Mex ananassisalsat
50 g singi viile
80 g riivitud juustu
Rulli tainas, määri sellele ananassisalsat ja aseta katteks peale singiviilud ning juust. Keera tainas rulli nagu rullbiskviit, lõika viiludeks ja küpseta ahjus 180 kraadi juures umbes 20 minutit.
Allikas: Santa Maria reklaamleht
Something delicious and super simple from my birthday table. This year I prepared those rolls for my birthday to enjoy at work with my co-workers together with some homemade pound cake, snacks and coffee. For me, the recipe was a valuable discovery which came out when mum and I sorted old recipe cutouts from the magazines. I'm sure I'll prepare them again soon, as my family only got to try few bites of those yummy rolls this time. Doesn't matter if warm or cold, tastes heavenly either way.
500 g puff pastry
1 bottle of Santa Maria Tex-Mex pineapple salsa
50 g slices of ham
80 g grated cheese
Roll the pastry and spread the pineapple salsa all over it. Then add ham slices and grated cheese. Roll it gently together and cut about 3 cm thick slices. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and cook the rolls about 20 minutes, until they are golden.
Recipe source: Santa Maria leaflet
500 g lehttainast
1 purk Santa Maria Tex-Mex ananassisalsat
50 g singi viile
80 g riivitud juustu
Rulli tainas, määri sellele ananassisalsat ja aseta katteks peale singiviilud ning juust. Keera tainas rulli nagu rullbiskviit, lõika viiludeks ja küpseta ahjus 180 kraadi juures umbes 20 minutit.
Allikas: Santa Maria reklaamleht
Something delicious and super simple from my birthday table. This year I prepared those rolls for my birthday to enjoy at work with my co-workers together with some homemade pound cake, snacks and coffee. For me, the recipe was a valuable discovery which came out when mum and I sorted old recipe cutouts from the magazines. I'm sure I'll prepare them again soon, as my family only got to try few bites of those yummy rolls this time. Doesn't matter if warm or cold, tastes heavenly either way.
500 g puff pastry
1 bottle of Santa Maria Tex-Mex pineapple salsa
50 g slices of ham
80 g grated cheese
Roll the pastry and spread the pineapple salsa all over it. Then add ham slices and grated cheese. Roll it gently together and cut about 3 cm thick slices. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and cook the rolls about 20 minutes, until they are golden.
Recipe source: Santa Maria leaflet
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